03 October 2012

BarkadahaNZ goes to Ulingan

On 23 September 2012, BarkadahaNZ visited Ulingan in Tondo, as ably represented by the Gawe family.  They are currently in the Philippines for vacation, and they alloted some time to visit the kids in Ulingan.

Tita Cory wrote in the Facebook group:
I have a lot to share after our visit to the Ulingan community yesterday morning but I am just too emotional right now. But i am also feeling very inspired and motivated and most of all humbled. It was quite life changing and Nicole and Matthew will probably feel this most. There is a lot to share but I will contend myself with photos for now and to tell you that what we are doing and what we want to be doing as Barkadahanz for Ulingan is as life changing to them as it is to us. We are so proud of Barkadahanz!
Thank you Tita Cory for sharing!